Complex exercises release growth hormones. E.g Back Squats are complex and place the body under a large amount of stress. This is know as volume loadI – 1RM, HR, Reps, Set, Rest, RPE all impact intensityT – Duration of exercise, recovery during sets and exercise sessionsT – Choice of simple or complex exercises can effect this. Can be measured by how many repetitions and sets are completed. The progressive overload principle (Overload)F – How often training last for. The progressive overload principle (Overload)“A training adaptation only takes place if the magnitude of the training load is above the habitual level” (Zatsiorsky & Kraemer, 2006)Continuous increased stimulus for optimal performance improvementsNeeds to be creative in approach Why?Controlled overload will put the body into an anabolic stateImpacted by F.I.T.T principle

Lloyd DeanOverload, Recovery and Muscle FatigueĪimsBy the end of the lesson you should be able to:Explain the overload process State how the recovery process can be taken into account when planning training programmesDescribe the causes of muscular fatigueĦ Laws of TrainingLaw of individual difference (Individuality)The accommodation principle (Tedium)The progressive overload principle (Overload)The G.A.S (General Adaptation Syndrome) principle (Rest)The use/disuse principle (Reversibility)The law of dynamic correspondence (Specificity)(Seyle, 1946 Siff 2003 Zatsiorsky & Kraemer, 2006) W15 overload, recovery and muscle fatigue